Can a sistah get a drank o' water or what? Back

Aug 16, 2010

Etiquette on the scene…

If you asked someone to come and help you move from you present home to your new home… the likelihood that you'd offer them rest & a cold beverage after all that physical exertion is pretty high. Would you agree? Why then, is it not the case after you've run somebody raggedy on the dance floor?

Riddle me that? Work is work. Energy expended is energy expended. And the need to rehydrate is universal…

This goes for men and women alike… to the men who are spinning the ladies to oblivion, treating them like rag dolls or ping pong balls… and to the ladies who will not let bruthas off the floor because it's "your turn"…

Seriously, this issue of "etiquette" extends beyond the rest & water issue - it just seemed a good place to start because I'm thirsty!

We could talk about leading folks on and off the floor… invading someone else's dance… lane etiquette… floor craft (i.e. not bumping and running into each other on the floor, especially when multiple styles are sharing the same space)… respecting romantic relationships… respecting personal space… sweatin' on folk… holding folk hostage… any number of things come to mind on how we "disrespect" each other on and off the floor and all I want to know is…

What's up with that???

Where is the common courtesy? Where is the home training? Why isn't the golden rule in full effect in this "alphabet soup"? We all know how we'd like to be treated, yes? So how's about we extend that to the next one and see what happens? I mean, just for experiment's sake let's pretend that the "next one" is a reflection of ourselves and act accordingly. I'd venture that we could drop this whole topic for lack of relevance.

Sound like a plan? Give it a try. I dare you. AND I double dare you to comment on how "so & so" made you feel super special on the set with "xyz" kind word or deed. Post it here and copy it to the ILS Facebook page. Let's give er'ybody a "what for", an example of what we're talking about here (for those who need an assist :-)!

I Love Steppin 17th Year Anniversary